Manners Maketh Man: How Formalities Elevate Professionalism

While many modern companies take pride in creating a more casual or laid-back workplace. Sometimes this allows for more honest communication with clients, in essence dropping the act.

But many times, your demeanor and your formalities are both vital when working with your clients. It establishes you and your business as truly professional.

Formalities bring professionalism to client relationships

When meeting with clients, especially new ones, it’s important to remain professional to establish yourself as legitimate. 

Many potential clients can be nervous coming into a business for the first time. Friendly greetings, small talk and offering any niceties clients might need like water bottles go a long way.

These things all contribute to the image your clients see when they come to your business. If someone went to two resume services, and one treated them like a real person when they walked in versus one that cuts directly to the sale, where do you think the client will feel more respected?

Take yourself seriously, and others will too

When you go to a new mechanic, you want them to know what they’re doing, right? The first step to reassuring the client is that level of professionalism. Showing that you listen to clients’ issues and taking them seriously goes a long way.

Maintaining your professionalism through your conversations with clients will establish your expertise in your profession. From there, clients will refer to your business as the real deal.

Establishes clear boundaries with clients

Professional manners also create clear motives and boundaries your clients will understand. While you are providing a service or product to clients, you are also in business to make money. 

When you are too lackadaisical or informal with your clients, it can lead to a breakdown in communications and expectations. While it’s smart to create a relaxed environment for your clients, it’s another thing to glaze over important parts of your sale for the sake of said environment.

For practical application, make your greetings and get to know your clients, but also assert your objectives in the conversation including clear description of services/products and their prices.

Sometimes these things seem obvious, but consistently presenting yourself with professionalism is critical; it’s the little things that separate the good from the great.