Make the World Your Home Office!

Why Work From Home When You Can Work Anywhere?

If you are still working during the pandemic, there’s a chance that you are now working from home. Even though your pets and roommates are probably ecstatic to spend more time with you, you should still consider working places other than your home.

A change of scenery can mean a lot to you and your career and productivity. Also, despite the pandemic, this is not a bad time to consider doing a bit of travel. If you’re interested in working somewhere other than your home, consider some of these options for a fresh new outlook!

Safety First

Before you make any rash decisions, remember that we are still in the midst of a pandemic. Although you could potentially work anywhere with a decent Wi-Fi signal, you still shouldn’t put yourself in any dangerous situations.

Avoid working places where you are going to be surrounded by a lot of people. You should also avoid airports for the time being. If you aren’t comfortable with driving to the location yourself, mark it off your list.

Benefits of Working Outside

If working around the world is a bit too jarring for you, consider taking your work outdoors.

During quarantine, there were probably periods of time where you went days without venturing outside. Without fresh air and sunlight, you are probably getting a bit stressed and stir crazy.

According to an article from, working outdoors can lower your blood pressure, reduce your stress levels and improve your overall health.

What You Should Know Before Heading Out

If you are going to spend some time with friends and family outside of your home, you should first find out that they are being safe. Make sure that they are practicing social distancing and have not been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Secondly, there is a risk to leaving the safety of your home. For example, if you learn that you came into contact with someone with COVID-19, you need to isolate yourself for two weeks so that you know whether or not you are sick.

Where Should You Go?

Hotels and motels may not be smart for the time being, so use your better judgment when choosing where you will be staying. A smart idea would be to stay at an Air BNB. Not only will you have a lovely home to stay at the place of your choosing, but you will most likely have all of the amenities that you have at your own home.

You should avoid visiting an area that’s a hot spot during the pandemic. You can find out what areas of the country are unsafe by going on the CDC website.